“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” Intuition Exercise

Next time you're in a supermarket, go to the produce section. Take a few mindful breaths, and use your intuition/feeling to select a fresh fruit of vegetable. Try not to go off what you're thinking, for example, what you've read about what is healthy, or what you already like, or already regularly buy and eat. You might be lead to one of these things and that's ok, but put aside rational thinking for now. If you have the chance to do a body scan ahead of time before going into the store, noticing where the energy in your body is flowing or less vibrant than you'd like, that's even better. If you want, you can also do this with the specific intention of addressing/healing what is feeling less vibrant in your body. 


Plants have their own unique healing properties, and you can tune into them (like crystals have unique vibrations, so do plants) and address what your body needs if you make the opportunity. 

